

OVM lives entirely in $HOME/.ovm on all platforms it supports. Inside the directory, OVM will download new Odin versions and symlink whichever version you specify with ovm use <version> to $HOME/.ovm/bin. You should add this folder to your path. You should also set the environment variable OVM_INSTALL to the directory $HOME/.ovm/self. The installer should handle this for you automatically if you're on *nix systems, but you'll have to do it manually on Windows. You can then add OVM_INSTALL to your path.

If you don't want to use OVM_INSTALL (perhaps you already have OVM in a place you like), then OVM will update the exact executable that you call upgrade from.

Linux, BSD, MacOS, *nix

curl | bash

Or if you're not comfortable curl-bashing scripts from strangers on the internet, you can download it (and review it) before running.

curl -o
chmod +x

Then add OVM's directories to your $PATH

echo "# OVM" >> $HOME/.profile
echo export OVM_INSTALL="$HOME/.ovm/self" >> $HOME/.profile
echo export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.ovm/bin" >> $HOME/.profile
echo export PATH="$PATH:$OVM_INSTALL" >> $HOME/.profile


If you're on Windows, you can grab the latest release

Putting OVM on your Path

OVM requires a few directories to be on your $PATH. If you're unfamiliar with updating environment variables on Windows, you can follow this guide. Once you're in the appropriate menu, add or append to the following environment variables:


  • OVM_INSTALL: C:\Users\%YOUR_USERNAME_HERE%\.ovm\bin\self


  • PATH: C:\Users\%YOUR_USERNAME_HERE%\.ovm\bin

Arch User Repository

An AUR package for OVM is planned but not yet in place.